They don’t just randomly start businesses, because they know that even the most successful businesses can suddenly file for liquidation unless they are doing certain things correctly (think of Blockbuster and Toys R Us).
They start businesses from angles so unique that most people would never have even considered, and by the time they reach rapid scale, the rest of us simply can't comprehend how this was achieved in such a short period of time.
They don’t just randomly create businesses. Instead, they start businesses that tell powerful stories and express emotion. Businesses they’re proud to look at years later. Businesses that build a legacy, meaning and purpose.
They don’t take any chances with growth. Instead they take full control of the business, which allows them to predictably take high-performance leaps and bounds.
They don't just start implementing things in the hope that some ideas will turn out great. They already know whether the business is going to work (and why) before they even open their wallet.
They see great businesses opportunities wherever they go, because they know what to look for.
And you, too, could be an excellent business owner very soon. Even if you think you’ve tried everything, you can experience huge improvements in a blink because…